The truly amazing Pressure Cooker

The truly amazing Pressure Cooker

Traditionally, America is known as �The Great Melting Pot�, because it welcomed people of nationalities, color and religion. Of course there have been always people with extreme views who would prefer to be isolated from anything or anyone who is not like �them�. However, somehow people always managed to contain those views and LOVE, EQUALITY, PEACE and CHARITY as the underlying need for the majority. This is actually the work that’s been ongoing and progressing by peace-makers all around the planet for many years.

Equal Rights
Lately it appears as though the entire world has become �The Great Pressure Cooker�, that at any moment could explode and destroy life just as we realize it today. Which kind of society are we helping to create for the generations to come? How can we reel in this �anger monster� that is rearing his ugly head around the globe and threatening to eliminate PEACE? We must stand in SOLIDARITY for PEACE. If there is one thing most everyone in the world believes in, it�s a God that we pray to who has the ability to change everything. NOW is the time for people of all races, religions and creeds to face together and PRAY for PEACE.

One artist (TaRhonda) has released a song called �Say A Prayer� in hopes of starting the process of healing and reversing the effects of evil happening around the globe. Please check out the song and support the movement here

Equal Rights

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